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Nice to meet you ☀️


My name is Laura Del Vecchio, a person born in South America that migrated to Barcelona 12 years ago. Although I do call this city my own, I'm still trying to find my place in this vast, diverse world. 


How can someone ever describe what they are? Do we all know what we are? Humans? Professionals? Artists? Punks? Political beings?


I'm not so convinced I could answer these queries so effortlessly. 


I prefer to speak about what I do and what I'm interested in. I believe these things represent myself more sharply but also leave the door open to change whenever I want to without worrying about categories, classifications, or names. 

If you would like to know more about my interests, the things I'm working on and the personal projects I'm conducting, you can either click on the buttom below or contact me through the contact page. 

Anyways, nice to see you here!

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